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Writer's pictureCody Singh

🌊 To The Sea: New Blog July 23, 2024 10:24 PM

I think what people respond to in writing is not how well you write it, it is can you make me feel something? Because if you can make someone feel something, you can create an impact. A feeling it can change the world. It is about being an observer, having a point of view, and believing in what you say without others having to tell you what to think or what to believe. When I read something that changes my life, it is because I believe I am one with the consciousness of the author of that text. Reading their words then becomes like drinking an elixir because we are on the same wavelength at that exact moment... and it is incredibly validating to be mirrored in how we feel.

We forget how powerful and connected solitude is. Sounds like a contradiction, right? But in those divinely deafening, Godly, moments many of us have maybe a few times in a life, we can feel incredibly lonely and incredibly connected simultaneously. They call it "Oneness." Not "Togetherness." Implying that being one with yourself connects you to ever being in existence. Takes consciousness to truly decipher the spiritual meaning behind "connection."

We are so powerful to the core of our bones and Spirit. The biggest thing I find myself reminding others of is connectedness, and what exactly that connectedness yields. Connectedness opens a channel and that channel serves our well-being in every way required to maintain our personal perception of that abundance. But the most tangible thing that being connected to that inner voice offers is clarity. The whispering of your cells to your body, and to your mind is your intuition. We have to be connected to how we feel in our bodies in order to be connected to our true wisdom and intuition.

So what does that connection to self really offer? Clarity. And what is more of a gift than clarity? Without clarity, how can we see? How can we feel? How can we be guided?

It is a gift to be able to counsel our inner children with our higher consciousness. Because deep down we know. We know what we need. We know we need love and we know how that love needs to show up in our lives. We cannot be irritated or upset or experience negative emotions and simultaneously not know what we would RATHER have or experience. At the root of that preference is a feeling. Love.

And yet, I still find myself needing to constantly remind myself of that same premise. Tomorrow I am sailing at sea with my family from New York down to the Caribbean. We are going to Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic. Stunning Islands I have been to before. What I am looking forward to most, though, is being at sea. The ocean. To be connected with her again.

There are a lot of personalities that I will be around and something I do need to remember is this inner dialogue. The consciousness I write these words with her today and that you are reading with if you've made it this far, we must hold onto. We can't let go of our connectedness. We cannot let go of our consciousness. We must always return to this. This wavelength of thought and frequency IS clarity and guidance. We must not turn off that compass of a voice we all have. Because in this moment, we are tethered by consciousness. And that consciousness is your guide. 

It's astonishing how easy it is to feel at ease in our bodies once we are sharing a common voice. The feeling of acceptance naturally settles our minds and bodies, both mentally and physically. We become so unconscious of how we tense up in our bodies over extended periods of time negating how we feel and committing to unconscious environments. When consciousness inhabits each

individual engaging in conversation, it is actually physically impossible for any of them to disagree. It is only "yes, and…" Sharing and engaging in this conversation is what keeps us all going. I will not mince my words here. It is absolutely essential.

So I'm writing you all this moment ultimately because it makes me feel safe. It makes me feel connected. And it helps me force and prepare the next nine days I will be at Sea in the best possible light. 

Thank everyone who read this far for connecting with my consciousness tonight. I apologize to those of you I have not gotten back to you yet in the group or on Patreon who've posted in the last few days. I have been quite busy, but I love seeing the shared perspectives and shared consciousness in your responses. It makes me feel better to know there are humans like you guys in the world.

Good night everyone. You are in my heart.

With Love,


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